August 2024Southeast and South Asia are two of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world. Increasing integration between the two regions requires increased cooperation between regional institutions. BIMSTEC can enhance its implementation record and delivery by increasing cooperation with SASEC in areas where SASEC excels, such as in connectivity, economic corridor development, trade facilitation, tourism, and green energy. Read More Tags: South Asia, Southeast Asia, SAARC, SASEC, BIMSTEC, Regional Cooperation |
July 2022Regional forums such as South Asia Forum for Infrastructure Regulation, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, and South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation bring together stakeholders and more local or regional institutions are needed to gain optimal benefit from regional cooperation. This commentary appears on the Dhaka Tribune. Read More Tags: Energy, SASEC, SAARC, South Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal |
March 2022Mr. Thiam Hee Ng, Director, South Asia Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division, Asian Development Bank (ADB), visited the BIMSTEC Secretariat to discuss a range of issues related to the broadening of ADB-BIMSTEC partnership. He also visited the SAARC Secretariat to review the implementation status of the activities under the MoU between ADB and SAARC. Read More Tags: ADB, BIMSTEC, SAARC |
May 2021The 16th Informal Meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Finance Ministers was held virtually on 5 May 2021. Finance Ministers/Heads of Delegations from all the member states of SAARC attended the meeting, which had the theme "Economic Recovery from COVID-19: Towards Inclusive and Resilient Growth." Read More Tags: SAARC, ADB, COVID-19 |
April 2021South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries have been severely affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, affecting lives and livelihoods of millions of people, according to Mr. Esala Ruwan Weerakoon, Secretary General, SAARC. He said that facing the challenges brought about by the pandemic requires collective action at national, subregional, and regional levels. Read More Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation |
April 2021Connectivity among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal in the last couple of years has improved bilateral relations in the fields of trade, business, culture, and education and research. Speakers noted the importance of increasing cultural relations and other forms of regional cooperation among SAARC countries, as well as of further developing road and rail connectivity. Read More Tags: BBIN, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, Trade |
March 2020Member countries of the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) held a Virtual SAARC Emergency meeting on COVID-19 on 15 March to discuss and coordinate a regional response. Mr. Sujit Bharti, a Diplomat at the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, writes how South Asia is cooperating against the pandemic. Read More Tags: Pandemic, Covid19, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, India |
August 2019The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund (SDF) and Drukair Corporation signed a $13 million loan agreement to help DrukAir purchase a new ATR Aircraft. This is SDF’s first loan under its economic and infrastructure window. Mr. Sunil Motiwal, Chief Executive Officer of SDF, noted that this assistance will help Bhutan expand its aviation connectivity to Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. Read More Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Transport, SAARC |
June 2018Member nations of SAARC have agreed on common standards for biscuits, refined sugar, and milk products. The South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) has set regulatory standards for these three products, including requirements related to packaging, marking, labeling, and sampling of biscuits and refined sugar, as well as production, processing, and handling of milk and milk products. Read More Tags: SARSO, SAARC, Harmonization, Trade, Standards Harmonization |
March 2018SAARC held a meeting on 26-27 March 2018 to discuss development of regional standards for chemicals and chemical products. Participants expressed a commitment to develop a common standard for the region and remove standards-related barriers hindering growth of trade among SAARC countries. Read More Tags: Standards Harmonization, SAARC, SARSO |
March 2018South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Secretary General Amjad Hussain Sial met with ADB President Takehiko Nakao to discuss ways to increase cooperation between SAARC and ADB. Mr. Sial noted the prospects for better cooperation between SAARC and SASEC. Read More Tags: Regional Cooperation, SAARC, ADB, SASEC, South Asia |
March 2018The 6th SAARC Business Leaders' Conclave stressed the importance of prioritizing the economic agenda in the SAARC region. Mr. Shekhar Golcha, Senior Vice President, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, underscored the need to make the economic agenda the guiding force among relationships within SAARC. Read More Tags: Connectivity, Infrastructure, Investment, SAARC, Trade |
January 2018Rapid economic growth and increasing populations pose challenges to the South Asian region’s energy security. Increasing energy cooperation among South Asian countries will help ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for the entire region. Read More Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, BBIN, BIMSTEC, Energy, Regional Cooperation, Hydropower, SAARC |
January 2018South Asian Women Development Forum (SAWDF) will promote products by women entrepreneurs in markets in SAARC countries. A Women Entrepreneur International Trade and Technology Hub will be developed in Visakhapatnam, India, with ADB assistance. The Hub will serve as a one-stop platform for women entrepreneurs and provide training on international trade and business. Read More Tags: ADB, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, SAARC, Sri Lanka, Trade |
November 2017An Asian Development Bank report suggests that a shift in India’s electricity policy could help address the acute electricity shortages faced by SAARC countries, which affects socioeconomic development as well as business operations. Policy amendments could help facilitate cross-border power trade among SAARC countries and give communities better access to electricity. Read More Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Energy, India, Maldives, Nepal, SAARC, Sri Lanka, Trade |
October 2017The Second Meeting of the SAARC Council of Experts of Energy Regulators (CEERE) on 24-25 October 2017 discussed a road map for implementation of the SAARC Framework Agreement on Energy Cooperation (Electricity), issues on power trade, including harmonization of grid code, operating procedures for cross-border power trade, and harmonization of electricity laws. Read More Tags: SAARC, Energy, Trade |
October 2017Ms. Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker, Lok Sabha, India, said South Asian countries need to present a collective front to help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Speaking at the Conference of the Association of SAARC Speakers and Parliamentarians, Ms. Majahan stressed the importance of interaction among the parliaments of SAARC countries and said that national parliaments should focus on the SDGs. Read More Tags: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, SAARC, Sri Lanka, Sustainable Development Goals |
May 2017Economic transformations have accelerated regional cooperation and integration in Asia. In this ADB blog post, Mr. Cuong Minh Nguyen, Principal Regional Integration Specialist, Southeast Asia Department, ADB, discusses six paradigm shifts that are reshaping economic prospects in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other parts of the region. It also highlights the need for governments to work together to build a socially inclusive, environmentally friendly, and economically sustainable region. Read More Tags: ASEAN, SAARC, Trade Facilitation, Transport, Energy, Regional Cooperation |
May 2017Finance ministers and senior officials of member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka met on 5 May at Yokohama, Japan, at the sidelines of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) 50th Annual General Meeting. Read More Tags: ADB, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Central Asia, Climate Change, Energy, India, Maldives, Nepal, Policy, Regional Cooperation, SAARC, SASEC, Sri Lanka, Trade, Transport |
April 2017The BIMSTEC region hosts 21% of the world’s population and holds great potential for trade. Experts at the Conference on Facilitating Connectivity in Bay of Bengal Region held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, stressed the importance of regional connectivity for BIMSTEC to succeed and to facilitate economic growth among BIMSTEC member countries. Read More Tags: BIMSTEC, ASEAN, SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Cooperation, Bangladesh |
March 2017Three common standards—Biscuits Specification, Refined Sugar Specification, and Code of Hygienic Practice for Dairy Industry—for the SAARC region were approved at the South Asian Regional Standards Organization's (SARSO) Fifth Governing Body Meeting. These common standards will help reduce SAARC intra-regional trade costs. According to SARSO Director General, Dr. Syed Humayun Kabir, member countries' national standardization bodies will be in charge of their implementation. Read More Tags: SAARC, SARSO, Bangladesh, Standards Harmonization |
December 2016Least Developed Countries (LDCs) comprise around 880 million people yet account for less than 2% of the world gross domestic product. South Asian countries can accelerate economic development and graduate from the LDC category by working with each other. The economic future of their people could change radically through collaboration between the countries and lift millions of people out of poverty. Read More Tags: Bhutan, Nepal, BBIN, Connectivity, Energy, SAARC, Sri Lanka, Trade, UNCTAD |
December 2016India's Ministry of Power has issued Guidelines on Cross-Border Trade of Electricity, with the aim of facilitating cross-border trade of electricity between India and its neighboring countries; promoting transparency, consistency and predictability in regulatory approaches across jurisdictions and minimizing perceptions of regulatory risk; and developing reliable grid operation and transmission of electricity across borders. Read More Tags: India, Energy, Hydropower, SAARC, Trade |
December 2016 |
November 2016Nepal Minister for Foreign Affairs Prakash Sharan Mahat urged conclusion of the SAARC Agreement on Promotion and Protection of Investment to deepen economic integration among South Asian countries, and emphasized the need to improve connectivity in the region at the inauguration of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the South Asian Network of Economic Research. Read More Tags: SAARC, Transport, Rail, Road, Investment, Investments, Nepal |
September 2016The 13th SAARC trade fair was held in Thimphu, Bhutan, to promote intra-regional trade and investment among SAARC countries. In his opening address, Mr. Lekey Dorji, Bhutan Economic Affairs Minister, underscored the importance of fostering business links among companies in the region to accelerate economic growth and improve people's well-being. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade, South Asia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka |
September 2016Finance Ministers from the eight South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member states are pushing for the formation of a South Asian Economic Union (SAEU) to ensure larger inflow of investments, higher trade volumes, and energy generation. The ministers highlighted the need to fast-track the formation of the SAEU to help boost the inflow of investments and trade volumes. Read More Tags: SAEU, SAARC, Trade, Energy, Trade Facilitation, Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal |
August 2016The Parliament of Nepal has endorsed the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation, enabling the 8 SAARC member countries to conduct cross-border electricity trade. Under the Agreement, SAARC member states have agreed to provide non-discriminatory access to the regional transmission grids. Read More Tags: Energy, Nepal, SAARC |
August 2016The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Finance Ministers’ Meeting focused on improving trade relations among member nations. Discussions revolved around economic issues, Customs unions, avoidance of double taxation, improving connectivity, increasing trade volume, and developing supply chain linkages. Read More Tags: SAARC, India, Trade, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Connectivity, Customs, SASEC, Trade |
August 2016Preparations to sign a power trade agreement between the Governments of Nepal and Bangladesh are underway, with the Energy Ministry of Nepal finalizing a draft memorandum of understanding on Nepal-Bangladesh energy cooperation. The draft outlines protocols for conducting energy trade between the two countries, in line with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation. Read More Tags: Bangladesh, Nepal, Energy, SAARC |
August 2016Absence of a harmonized system of standards among South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) members is one reason for the increase of technical barriers to trade, giving rise to non-tariff barriers that hamper SAARC intra-regional trade. A commentary by Mr. Wasi Ahmed, a former senior trade diplomat, discusses the growing recognition of importance of harmonized regional standards within SAARC. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade, Regional Cooperation, Standards Harmonization, Bangladesh, India |
July 2016The Indian Prime Minister is prioritizing stronger relations with South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries. Deputy High Commissioner of India JP Singh said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is taking steps to improve trade relations with SAARC member states, citing the liberalization of India’s visa regime for the business community. Read More Tags: India, SAARC, Trade, Business, Visa |
July 2016Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, member countries of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), have stepped up their support for the proposed SAARC Industrial Parks by allocating lands for the planned initiative. Designated areas include Chittagong, Bangladesh; Gujarat, India; and Faisalabad City, Pakistan. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade, Private Sector, Bangladesh, India |
June 2016India Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman, emphasized the need for the Bureau of Indian Standards to internationalize its standards to promote "zero defect" and global standards for made in India products. She called for an end to days of differential standards, and urged the Bureau to increase coordination with concerned ministries to streamline standards for locally made and imported items. Read More Tags: India, Trade Facilitation, Technical Barriers to Trade, SAARC |
June 2016The Bhutan Standards Bureau received accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies, India to certify three products, including grade 43 ordinary Portland cement, bitumen emulsion, and thermomechanically treated reinforcement bars, for export. This reduces technical barriers to trade, facilitating free movement for these three types of products across Bhutanese borders. Read More Tags: Bhutan, Standards Harmonization, SAARC, Trade Facilitation |
June 2016Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr. KP Sharma Oli emphasized the importance of enhancing regional cooperation in South Asia, at the June 2016 SAARC Cabinet Secretaries Meeting held in Kathmandu, Nepal, where member states gathered to discuss good governance and how to resolve governance issues in the region. Read More Tags: Nepal, SAARC, Governance, Regional Cooperation |
June 2016The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund (SDF) and SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry have pledged to collaborate and co-finance projects under the SDF's social, economic and infrastructure windows to promote regional connectivity across the SAARC region. Read More Tags: SAARC CCI, SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Trade, Transport |
May 2016A workshop on harmonizing standards in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region was held by the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO) in Bhutan. Mr. Tashi Wangchuk, Deputy Director, SARSO, emphasized the importance of Bhutan Standards Bureau's technical committees participating in SARSO's Sectoral Technical Committees. Read More Tags: SARSO, Bhutan, Standards Harmonization, Trade Facilitation, SAARC |
May 2016The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Development Fund (SAARC SDF) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have signed a memorandum of understanding to undertake development projects in the South Asian region. Read More Tags: ADB, Transport, SAARC, ICT, Trade, Bhutan, India, Nepal |
April 2016Dr. Selim Reihan notes that drivers of political economy can impact the region's integration agenda. In this essay, Dr. Raihan highlights the importance of exploring the political economy of regional integration to generate a better assessment of the factors driving and constraining regional integration, and create broader awareness among stakeholders to stimulate a more realistic and effective regional policy design and processes. Read More Tags: Economic corridor, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, SAARC, SAFTA, Services, South Asia, Infrastructure, Trade Facilitation, Transport |
March 2016India's External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj called for further consolidation of the South Asian Free Trade Area and the South Asian Trade in Services Agreement to achieve the goal of a South Asian Economic Union, in her address at the 37th SAARC Council of Ministers' Meeting. She said SAARC member countries must work together to harness their economic complementarities and create an environment conducive to rapid growth. Read More Tags: SAARC, SAFTA, SAEU, South Asian Economic Union, India, Trade Facilitation |
March 2016India Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar discussed initiatives being pursued by India in line with its 'neighborhood first' policy, in his address at the 42nd Standing Committee Meeting of SAARC. He also emphasized the need to implement the South Asia Economic Union, and sign the SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement and SAARC Railways Agreement. Read More Tags: India, South Asian Economic Union, SAARC, Transport, Energy |
February 2016The SAARC-ADB First Training Programme of Nodal Points on Updating SAARCSTAT Web Portal was organised by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). The Training focused on updating national data available on the SAARCSTAT Web Portal to enhance usability, and equipped representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka with knowledge and capacity to upload and update their information on the website. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade, Economic cooperation, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka |
February 2016The Second Meeting of the SAARC Energy Regulators agreed to address regulatory barriers through a Regional Regulatory Body, which will work toward harmonizing legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks to promote wider availability of electricity and boost cross-border trade in the region. Read More Tags: SAARC, Energy, Trade, Sri Lanka |
January 2016A set of regionally agreed standards for 6 products, including sugar and cotton, in South Asia has been finalized by the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO), in response to the need to ease regional trade by harmonizing standards on key goods. SARSO aims to complete issuing formal notifications on these 6 products by March, to will allow goods marked 'compliant' to SARSO's standard and testing regulations to be exported to any SAARC county without need for laboratory testing. Read More Tags: Standards Harmonization, Trade Facilitation, SAARC, SARSO, Sri Lanka |
January 2016A proposed meeting of SAARC Transport Ministers in Kathmandu, Nepal aims to discuss the SAARC Motor Vehicle Agreement and SAARC Regional Railway Agreement, ahead of the 19th SAARC Summit to be held in the latter part of 2016 in Pakistan. The proposed regional transit agreements aim to promote transport connectivity in the region, and to enhance regional economic cooperation and integration. Read More Tags: SAARC, Transport, Trade Facilitation, BBIN, Nepal |
December 2015On 8 December 1985, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Charter was signed by Heads of State/Government of SAARC Member States during the First SAARC Summit held in Dhaka, Bangladesh. SAARC promotes welfare economics, collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia, and accelerated socio-cultural development in the South Asia region. Read More Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, South Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka |
October 2015A 2-day international conference on energy organized by the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies emphasized the need for regional and subregional cooperation to fulfill growing energy needs in South Asia and promote energy security. Former Power Secretary of India, Mr. RV Shahi, underscored how recent efforts in energy cooperation have already started yielding results in the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal subregion. Read More Tags: Energy, SAARC, BBIN |
September 2015Taskforces in energy cooperation, trade facilitation, trade infrastructure, foreign direct investment, and people-to-people contact will be formed to promote connectivity and trade in the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region. The taskforces will examine key areas for regional cooperation in greater depth. Read More Tags: SAARC, Private Sector, Regional Cooperation |
September 2015An ADB study has measured the economic and reliability benefits of cross-border electricity trading for countries in South Asia. Findings reveal that power trading in South Asia can not only serve the region's growing demand for energy but also save the region billions of dollars. Recommendations include a market-driven process for cross-border power trading implemented under a regulatory framework across the region. Read More Tags: Energy, SAARC, Regional Cooperation |
September 2015ADB supports efforts of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation to boost regional cooperation and integration through the idea of a South Asian Economic Union (SAEU). Read an analysis on the SAEU. Read More Tags: SAEU, SAARC, Regional Integration |
September 2015Representatives from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member countries expressed the need for a regional standard and certification system in Thimphu, Bhutan to create opportunities for farmers and exploit market potential in the region. Bhutan will soon export organically grown products to neighboring SAARC countries. Read More Tags: Bhutan, Regional Standard, SAARC |
August 2015Finance Ministers of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Program met in Kathmandu, Nepal on 20 August 2015 to discuss closer economic and financial cooperation in the region, emphasizing faster trade liberalization and investment in connectivity. This would help strengthen unification in the region, promote inter-country investment, and remove non-tariff barriers among member countries. Read More Tags: Economic cooperation, Nepal, SAARC |
July 2015The Government of India has cleared utilization of India's capital contribution to the SAARC Development Fund (SDF) for its Infrastructure and Economic Windows, to address infrastructure bottlenecks and promote growth in the SAARC region. This approval will help boost projects that will increase intra-SAARC trade and maximize the region's growth potential. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade, Transport |
June 2015The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) organized a Meeting on the SAARC Statistical Organization (SAARC Stat) Web Portal in Kathmandu, Nepal on 29-30 June 2015 which facilitated a discussion between officials from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and former consultants of the SAARC Stat Web Portal concerning its timely and effective management. The SAARC Stat Web Portal aims to provide up-to-date and accurate statistical data and indica Read More Tags: SAARC, Economy, Trade |
June 2015Nepal's SAARC neighbors, friendly countries and development partners have pledged a total of $4.4 billion in the International Conference on Nepal's Reconstruction to help the country in its rebuilding and reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of the recent devastating earthquake. India pledged aid amounting to $1 billion. The Asian Development Bank also announced its readiness to provide up to $400 million in further assistance, bringing its total pledge to $600 million. Read More Tags: Nepal, Disaster Risk Management, SAARC |
June 2015Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay remarked on the strong commitment shown by the transport ministers of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal in facilitating transport and increasing regional integration between the four countries, during a meeting held on the sidelines of the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Transport Ministers Meeting on Regional Road Connectivity in Thimphu, Bhutan. The Prime Minister said the signed Motor Vehicles Agreement sends a strong message to SAARC and addresse Read More Tags: BBIN, Transport, SAARC |
May 2015In a move toward subregional cooperation, transport ministers of four South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal – will meet in Thimphu, Bhutan on 15 June 2015 to sign the Motor Vehicles Agreement. This will allow seamless movement of vehicles through their borders, similar to European Union countries. Read More Tags: BBIN, Transport, SAARC |
April 2015A Seminar on South Asia Economic Union was conducted at the Asian Development Bank Headquarters on 9 April 2015. This South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) study was adopted at the 18th SAARC Summit in Kathmandu, Nepal in November 2014 and identified the need for closer regional economic integration among SAARC member countries. Read More Tags: SAARC, SAEU, Regional Integration |
March 2015An article published by the South Asia Monitor traces the inclusion of subregional cooperation within the SAARC Charter, and also reviews how SASEC is improving cross-border connectivity among its member countries and strengthening regional economic cooperation. Read More Tags: SAARC, BBIN-GQ, India, Economic cooperation |
March 2015The fourth Nepal International Trade Fair, held 12-16 March 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal, highlighted Nepal's 19 priority export products identified by the Nepal Trade Integration Strategy. Business enterprises from other SAARC countries—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Pakistan—also joined. A total of 340 stalls exhibited different goods for 5 days, drawing 125,000 visitors, and recorded sales worth over $1.9 million. Read More Tags: Nepal, Trade, SAARC, Hydropower |
March 2015South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries are finalizing mutually acceptable standards in five sectors: food and agricultural products, jute, textile and leather, building materials, chemicals and chemical products, and electrical and electronic products. These sectors have significant trade interest for member countries. Read More Tags: SAARC, Trade Facilitation, Standards Harmonization |
March 2015New Delhi has facilitated an integrated power grid for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member states to begin cross-border trading on the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX). The IEX, an automated power-trading exchange, plans to trade 120MW with Bhutan, and 50MW each with Bangladesh and Nepal. This four-nation power trading will hasten the implementation of the SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation signed in Kathmandu last year. Read More Tags: India, Energy, SAARC |
March 2015India announced more grant aid to developing countries during the unveiling of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's full year budget for 2015-2016 on 28 February 2015. 84% of the total aid amount has been allocated to India’s fellow members in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The majority of this grant financing will go toward various development assistance projects already being implemented. Read More Tags: India, Grants, SAARC |
February 2015Mr. Saurabh Kaushik, research intern for the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, examines the trend toward subregional cooperation in South Asia. He traces the reasons for lack of significant outcomes of subregional groupings in the region, and discusses the “silver linings” on the horizon, including projects being supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under the SASEC program. Read More Tags: SAARC, BIMSTEC, IBM-SRC, Trade |
December 2014The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Nepal formed an advisory committee on 27 March 2014 to give suggestions in preparation for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit and play a proactive role in the SAARC process, particularly in implementing decisions related to regional integration. On 9 December 2014, the committee evaluated and received feedback on the SAARC Summit, concluding unanimously that the 18th SAARC Summit was a success. Read More Tags: Nepal, SAARC, Regional Cooperation |
December 2014The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) marked its 30th Charter Day at the SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu, Nepal on 8 December 2014. SAARC Secretary General Arjun Bahadur Thapa hosted a reception attended by Nepali Vice President Paramananda Jha as chief guest along with dignitaries, high-ranking government officials, and representatives of civil society, business community, and media. Read More Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Nepal |
November 2014The 18th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Summit concluded on 27 November 2014, adopting the 36-point Kathmandu Declaration, which emphasized enhanced infrastructure connectivity, creation of free trade, implementation of trade facilitation measures, and SAARC project implementation, among others. The Summit launched regional and sub-regional development projects in the agreed areas of cooperation and connectivity. Read More Tags: SAARC, Energy, Regional Cooperation |
November 2014Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) has recommended the establishment of a South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Bank that would prioritize financing of regional infrastructure projects among SAARC member nations. Read More Tags: SAARC, Infrastructure, SAFTA |
November 2014Representatives of the eight South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation member countries, including ministers and strategic experts, gathered on 5-7 November 2014 for the 7th South Asia Economic Summit to discuss an economic roadmap for greater integration of the South Asia region. Read More Tags: South Asian Economic Union, SAARC, Economy |
October 2014Nepal Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey paid official state visits to Heads of State and member country governments of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) – comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka – to personally submit Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala's invitation letters for the 18th SAARC Summit. Read More Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Regional Integration |
September 2014The Asian Development Bank held a Regional Energy Trade Workshop at its headquarters in Manila, Philippines on September 8-9, 2014. Mr. Bindu Lohani, ADB Vice President for Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development, delivered the welcoming remarks. Read More Tags: Energy, ADB, SAARC, Regional Cooperation |
September 2014A single permit system facilitating easy movement of goods and people through road transport within the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region may soon be a possibility, as SAARC member states consider this proposal during a meeting of SAARC officials in Rajasthan, India. Read More Tags: Transport, SAARC, Connectivity |
August 2014The Eighth Meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Energy Working Group was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 25-26 August 2014 to discuss regional energy cooperation in South Asia. The meeting requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide technical assistance in the conduct of a regional transmission master plan study, including a detailed scenario on regional power transmission interconnections. Read More Tags: SAARC, Energy, Regional Cooperation |
July 2014 |
July 2014This Asian Development Bank Institute publication identifies the state of play of trade facilitation and provides an overview of intra- and inter-regional trade in South and Southeast Asia. Key challenges and bottlenecks to effective trade facilitation range from the lack of expert human resources, high border transaction costs, and the lack of effective dialogue on bilateral enhancement of trade facilitation. Read More Tags: Trade Facilitation, GMS, SAARC |
July 2014 |
May 2014The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a multitranche financing facility of $500 million for the SASEC Road Connectivity Investment Program (SRCIP) in March 2014, which aims to increase domestic and regional trade through North Bengal and Northeastern Region (NB-NER) of India. The overall investment program will rehabilitate and upgrade about 500 kilometers (km) of regional connectivity roads, including both national highways and state roads. Read More Tags: Transport, India, SAARC |
February 2014The South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Development Fund met on 12-14 February 2014 in New Delhi, India to brainstorm on its evolving strategic plan. It reviewed the purpose, methodology, and sustainability of social window activities; explored fund-raising opportunities and loan instruments; and prioritized projects for funding. Read More Tags: SAARC, Regional Cooperation, Connectivity |
June 2012 |
June 2012 |
June 2012The SAARC Working Group noted that under Phase II all member states had already reduced their respective Sensitive Lists by a minimum of 20%. Bhutan India and Maldives had made substantial reductions in their lists which in fact were significantly more than the previously mandated reduction level. Read More Tags: Bhutan, Free Trade Agreement, India, Maldives, SAARC, SAFTA, South Asia, Trade |
May 2012 |