PCA Comprehension Tests and Certificate

Completion of the Training, Online Tests, and Certification for Systems-Based Post-Clearance Audits

Customs officers who have completed the training on Systems-Based Post-Clearance Audits now have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to carry out PCAs.

To learn more about the Systems-Based Post-Clearance Audit (PCA), please click here.

Start the Test Now

If you have completed the course and would like to take the comprehension tests and obtain a certificate, please click here.

As the test requires time and extended internet connection, the trainees may write their answers on the booklet first and then type in their answers online later on.

Get Your Certificate

Tests done on the website will be scored automatically. When the trainee returns a passing score, a password is automatically generated and will appear next to the score. The password may be used to open a file containing a certificate, which can be issued to the customs officers who have completed the course. Senior officers may be requested to sign the printed certificate.