Bangladesh: Port and Logistics Efficiency Improvement
The Government of Bangladesh has recognized the importance of integrated intermodal systems under the draft Integrated Multimodal Transport Policy. Port development provides significant opportunities for improvement of intermodal transport systems and logistics services, and hence enhances efficiency of economic activities. Ports development also provide opportunities of expanding regional trades, especially under the recent renewal of the Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade Agreement with India. ADB strategy in the transport sector includes promotion of multimodal transport systems and regional trades by developing transit links and cross-border facilities. This technical assistance required to ensure full compliance of ADB safeguard requirements and quality assessment in key areas such as project economics and results monitoring.
Commitment Date Funding Type Country Sector Status Total Cost |
31 Aug 2010 Technical Assistance Bangladesh Transport Closed $900,000 |
Framework of overall port development in the country Mongla Port development plan in different scenarios and feasibility study of immediate projects Feasibility study of modernization of Benapole Land Port |
$800,000 (Technical Assistance Special Fund) $100,000 (Government of Bangladesh) |