Knowledge Services for Industrial Corridor Development Program

The technical assistance will support government initiatives under subprogram 2 of the Industrial Corridor Development Program. The technical assistance will help provide advisory services under the reform areas and policy actions under subprogram 2, including (i) development of node and/or project-specific concession agreement for master developers, master plans, and operationalization of utility companies; (ii) framework on industrial housing for employees; (iii) framework on methodology to enhance industry and/or urban linkages; (iv) guidelines on human resource process manuals for the node SPVs, including gender-inclusive measures; (v) guidelines on climate-resilient infrastructure development in industrial corridor areas; (vi) an action framework containing processes and methodologies of land policy enablers at the nodes; and (vii) expansion of Industrial Park Rating System to include sex disaggregated data of labor force in industrial parks.


Commitment Date

Funding Type




Total Cost

17 Dec 2021

Technical Assistance


Economic Corridors


$1 million


Support in processing some policy actions of subprogram 2 of the proposed policy-based loan. This technical assistance will

Provide advisory services under identified reform areas

Help India's National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited develop new policy guidelines and financing modalities, concession agreements, and national gender-inclusive policy frameworks for corridor-wide operationalization.


$1 million (Technical Assistance Special Fund)