
India-Bangladesh Power Link Feeds Electricity Access

Bangladesh's first cross-border connection with India is helping address gaps in energy-poor areas and bring economic benefits to both sides of the border.

Show Items by Year:
Book: SASEC Powering Asia in the 21st Century
The SASEC Vision lays out a transformative opportunity by promoting industry linkages and expanding the region’s trade.
Towards A Borderless World
Innovations have enabled businesses in the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal subregion to tap into regional value chains and flourish globally.
SASEC Finance Ministers' Meeting
SASEC finance ministers met in New Delhi to launch the SASEC Vision, a new strategic road map to guide the subregion's development through 2025.
Asian Economic Integration Monitor April 2014
The Asian Economic Monitor April 2014 encourages strengthening regional cooperation in surveillance and financial safety nets, and deepening economic links.
Asian Development Outlook 2013
South Asia vast renewable energy potential provides opportunities for energy supply solutions for the region. To increase energy cooperation, South Asia needs to enhance the structure for regional power exchange.
Customs for Connectivity SASEC
WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya talks about the need for harmonized customs procedures to boost trade connectivity and promote economic growth in the SASEC region.